Sunday, July 8, 2012

A Tribute to the King of Pop: Azam Khan

Whenever we think of Pop music, one name comes to our mind- Azam Khan, the Guru of Pop music in Bangladesh. We call him ”Pop Somrat”. The legendary pop singer passed away on 5th June, 2011, but he is still alive amongst the music-lovers of Bangladesh. We will never forget this generous artist.
I, personally have two different memories about him. At the age of 9, I first listened his legendary song “Bangladesh (Rail liner oi bostite)”. From then its became my favorite song. When I was 14 years old, me and some of my friends were about to form a band. I was selected as the vocalist. When I was tested and I tried with my favorite song of him, one of the judges, Aminul Vai told me “Do you know, whom song are you singing?” I replied ”Azam Khan”. He said “Songs are sang from heart, not from your lungs. Learn to sing until you can do that. Then become the vocalist.”
From then to till now, I learned a lot and felt how Azam Khan sang.
Second experience was touchier. It was our college “Fresher’s day”. Azam Khan was invited there to entertain us. He was honored with a gold me`dal by our principal. At first, he sang with normal voice, but after sometime music got him. He opened the buttons of his shirt off, recalled his magical tone and sang “Bangladesh”. I can still visualize the picture and feel the emotion of that tone.
Today, I’m here to share my tribute to this legendary pop singer. I’ve decorated this post with his last interview to media, View of one of his band members, some renowned songs and with some memorable photos of him.

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