Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wonders of Islam

"Islam" - which means peace. Today Islam is the only hope under which people can take breath is this windy atmosphere of unrest. Almighty Allah has gifted us with Islam and taught us “Dawah”. We will continue our “Dawah” normally- is right and no prophet will come after Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)- is also right. Then how a non-muslim will believe? Who will show the “Mazizah”? Allah Rabbul Alamin himself has taken care of this “Mazizah” to show. He himself has spread the signs of his immense pride throughout the world. I just put here some of those signs.

The following images of the Holy cities of Maccah and Madinah were taken on December 1999 by satellite imagery (1 meter IKONOS). It is clearly evident that while the world around looks dark and gloomy, the sacred Masques (Masjid-e-Nabawi of Madinah & Masjid al-Haram of Makkah) look line shining stars, Subhanallah!

The following image shows the name of Allah (in Arabic alphabet) over the Africa. An undeniable proof showing that Allah is the creator of the heavens and the earth. Discovery by Keyhan Mohmand from Almere Stad, Holland. We have verified this image with several other images of Africa from NASA website and all of them (without cloud covers) show the name of Allah clearly. SubhanAllah!

In the images below Allah's name (in Arabic alphabet) appears on the oceans at the picture from Apollo 11 shuttle.  Many people have complained that this picture was fake. We have received a video footage that proves the authenticity of this picture. The video is located below this picture.

Tree doing “Ruku” facing “Kabah”! In a forest near Sidney, the bottom half of a tree trunk is bowed in such a way that it resembles a person in a posture of Islamic prayer - the 'Ruku'. Looking closer we see the 'hands' of the 'tree man' are resting on his knees. The most amazing thing is that the 'tree man' is directly facing the Holy “Kabah” in Mecca which is the direction Muslims face when performing their daily prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Really inspirational video and pictures!


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