Monday, December 16, 2013

Download files by IDM using 16 connections

the system tray icon of internet download manager

Today I'll share with you the trick about how to download files using 16 connections by Internet Download Manager (IDM).

First, run IDM from system tray or start menu or desktop shortcut. Go to the "Options" tab
like below:

the download tab of idm program

From the newly opened dialogue box, go to the "Connection" tab,
select "Lan 10Mbs" from the dropdown menu beside "Connection Type / Speed",  select 16 from the dropdown menu beside "Default max. conn. number" and click OK.

the option menus of idm program
Hurrah! From your next download you'll be able to download a file using 16 connections.

Warning: If your internet connection is cable modem or high speed (shared) internet connection then everything will be fine. But if not, when you'll download the file with 16 connections, it
can deteriorate file transfer performance and may result in higher resource usage on the server you are downloading from. As a result, this may lead to some limits or other protective measures from local system administrators.

Don't blame SINDOOK then!

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