Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Thought of November'13 – “Relationship”

A happy young couple is making love on the beach

Think, you are in a social get together. Many new faces here and there. And you are looking for someone special. What are you? Most probably a single person. A later guess, may be you are divorced or widowed or may be dumped by you partner a few days ago. What will you search for? A partner for lifetime, a cool personality to hang up with or just a hot one for one night stand? Whatever you are and whoever you choose, that makes up a relationship. Its may be for 5 minutes to 5 decades or even more.

Some says, my relationship status is complicated- I love him/her, but that person loves someone else and that someone else’s sister has a crush on me! Wow! But nevertheless that’s a relationship.

Today I will share my thought with you regarding this “Relationship” tag.

From the very beginning, Adam was created alone and he demanded for a partner. God gave him Eve. Adam and Eve fell in love with each other (“The first couple” theory is the same in every religion. Sometimes, I wonder how! ). Then Satan came to them, made them to eat the fruit from the forbidden Tree and as a punishment they were thrown to two separated parts of this earth. After passing a hard time, they met again, started living together, had lots of children (Now we are over 6 billions!) and finally died a death worth to.

I could tell you the whole story, with every detail from every religion, but that is not possible in this short article. Anyway, believe me, the “Happy Relationship” formula lies within the story narrated above. In a certain age, you will start feeling lonely (for the first time). Then you will meet someone. Here an algorithm works. If your “Someone” feels as you do, the process will step ahead. In case of negative result, you will step back to feeling lonely again. You will came back to step one, again and again, until you meet your soulmate. Even you may have to move back to step one from the last step in quest for this soulmate issue.

a man and women having relationship problem

Now step two. Both of you pass some happy moments and here’s the point when Satan comes to you. A crack in the relationship and the ship sinks. If you are the soulmate couple, no problem then. You will survive the storm. If no, you move back to step one- feeling lonely… again.

A man and a women is shouting on each other
In the step three, you start living together. It’s a must, you will have to. Otherwise, that will not be a relationship. In this step, you will get used to him/her. You will discover many unpleasant things about your partner as s/he will also. Dependency will be created. A non-explainable emotion will arise. That’s the right point when you should go for children. Otherwise, another child will add up to the bunch of single-parent child.

Then step five. You raise your children and raise them until s/he starts feeling lonely. When the cycle starts, you may help him/her to find out the chosen one. But its better to leave him/her alone to take the decision. Now, the final step- the King and the Queen lived happily ever after.

N:B: I narrated the RAW process (man & woman theory). It is better to follow your own, according to your religion and culture and framed by this raw process. The result will always be great! I guarantee!

A happy old man is pointing something to a happy old woman

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