Thursday, December 19, 2013

How to reduce feedburner's file size

Custom logo of Google Feedburner

Most of the blogspot site owners are familiar with Google Feedburner. FeedBurner is a web feed management provider launched in 2004. FeedBurner was founded by Dick Costolo, Eric Lunt, Steve Olechowski, and Matt Shobe. Costolo, a University of Michigan graduate, became CEO of Twitter in 2010. FeedBurner provides custom RSS feeds and management tools to bloggers, podcasters, and other web-based content publishers. Its a typical web 2.0 service. 

Blogspot site owners often use the "Subscribe to Feed" gadget to increase visitors of the site . Sometimes, when the number of posts increases or post contents become rich enough or when a blogspot site is transferred to a custom domain; the following error shows up-

The file size exceeding error message of Google Feedburner

At this stage, new visitors will not be able to subscribe by your
"Subscribe to Feed" gadget and old subscribers will not be able to load feeds by their feed reader tool. As a result, you'll lose your precious returning visitors.

What to do? How to reduce the file size of feedburner? 
Please follow the procedure below: 
# Log in to your Google Feedburner account . The following page will open -

The account homepage of Google Feedburner

# Click on the name of your Blogspot site . (Here "SINDOOK" is my Blogspot site) This will open a page that looks like this -

The statistics page of google Feedburner

# Click the link named "Edit Feed Details" at the top of the page. Another page like below will load -

Google Feedburner's page for editing feed detail

# In the box beside "Original Feed" you will find a link like


Remove the text and enter


where is the address of your site. At the place of 3 (in the last link), you can use any number from 1 to 500. This means how many posts will be shown in the feedlist. In case of my blog SINDOOK, feedburner file size limit crosses if I input any number greater than 13. So, try and find your limit and put it.

# Now click "Save Feed Details" button and it will open the following page -

The message showing Google Feedburner's file size has been reduced

Got it ? Then your problem is solved and now its "Thank You" time.

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